Saturday, January 12, 2008

Morning Visitor

This handsome fellow greeted us on the deck this morning. He waited patiently for me to go back inside to get my camera and stood still until I came out again. I snapped a picture and thanked him. He seemed to be waiting for something (his model fee?). Robert brought him a small piece of a chocolate chip cookie. Mr. Gull took it right out of Robert’s hand, then flew away.

We stayed at Little River Inn (just below Mendocino) while we attended the 13th International Fungi & Fibre Symposium at the Mendocino Art Center, January 7 -- 11, 2008. It was fantastic.

I took my walk down a path to nearby beach, but it was hard walking back up the path.

I took quite a few good pictures, but I don’t have a photo editing program in this laptop. So my pictures and descriptions will have to wait until I am back on my “main machine” at home.

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Blogger Tanya Brown said...

This looks and sounds like a piece of heaven. You also have me quite intrigued regarding the nature of a "fungi and fibre" symposium.

4:14 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

I love your view off the porch - the one behind the bird. =) He sounds like a little extra attraction.

11:20 PM  
Blogger meggie said...

Dont you just love the ocean! I do, it always seems so refreshing. Because New Zealand is such a small set of Islands, we were never far from the sea, & I could not imagine living away from it.
Looks like you are enjoying it.
Mendicino... the name echoes my young years.. a song? ..a book?

12:34 PM  

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