Sunday, April 10, 2011

A bridge to somewhere

This bridge connects to somewhere important – my island. Yesterday there was a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate its completion. The bridge is quite a contrast to the old 1948 bridge. One local person, Allene Bean, was honored by County Supervisor, Federal Glover. Mrs. Bean has seen three bridges to Bethel Island. She was an island pioneer in the mid 1940s and remembers the first bridge which she said, “looked liked two planks” spanning the slough. She was around when the “new” 1948 bridge opened. Now in her 90s, Allene was here to cut the ribbon on the 2011 bridge. She is the lady in powder blue seated right in the middle of the photo.

And here she is getting ready to cut the ribbon.

The new bridge construction started in July, 2009. There are pictures here, and some contruction information here.


  1. An awful lot of changes in ninety years...

  2. What memories she must have - has anyone done an oral history with her?

  3. the new bridge looks great...and im sure you couldnt wait to drive across it :) looks like a fun celebration!

  4. It looks like a lovely graceful bridge and probably very nice to drive across. In a city with two significant rivers I drive over bridges frequently and I have great fondness for some and distinct dislike of others. Bridges should be functional and beautiful. They become part of the landscape for decades. I hope your new bridge is both.

  5. I think it is pretty good looking, but I do have one quibble. The old bridge had chain-link railings and when I crossed the bridge I could see the water and the boats in the slough through the mesh. At night I could see the lights on the water. The new bridge has cement railing and I can't see the water except at the highest peak. If I had a pickup truck with a higher driver's seat I could see over the railing. Darn.

  6. We are getting a much needed new bridge in our neighborhood. I am wondering if I will love long enough to drive over it!

  7. I've wondered how your bridge was a-building - glad it is finished. It is sad that no consideration is given to the travelers' enjoyment of the passing scene. The current freeway construction on my route to Long Beach has removed all the trees and vegetation along the way and replaced them with sound walls. We have lots of these freeway "prisons" in SCalifornia.

  8. If I had an SUV or a car with a higher driver's seat I would be able to see just fine. The railing is just a couple of inches too tall for me in my car. I think they did consider the average vehicle for viewing.

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Thanks for the memories!!! When I was a (very young) kid I jumped off that bridge Allene calls "a couple of boards". Jumped of the one built later too. Guess I'll have to make a trip to the Island. "Bonzai!!!"
