Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I opened the door

Once a month, the cleaning ladies come to take over my house for an hour. I have to hide from them so I don’t get in their way. They move fast and efficiently. Today, I hid out in my sewing room. I thought I’d just read a book in there. However, I patted some fabric. It felt good. I have not been in that room for a couple of months.
 There is a new baby in the family named Emerson. She is Virginia’s new granddaughter.
 There is pink fabric neatly folded on my cutting table in the sewing room. And there is the unfinished hearts flimsy on my ironing board.  That might be good for a baby changing mat. Hummmm. I could try free-motion quilting to make a quilted mat. Emerson probably wouldn’t mind a few glitches and wobbly lines in her mat.
I’ll think about it. It sure is tempting.


  1. I'm with Gerrie. Go for it. Life is full of glitches and wobblies, and lots and lots of laundering.

  2. i adore your sewing machine. it is a Singer 301A, isn't it? it is beautiful! i have a black 301A.

  3. Yes, it is a 301 A. It is my favorite machine.
    I'm going to use an old Singer 101 to try to do some free-motion quilting. See:

    I've never found a good foot for free-motion on the 301 A.

    I love vintage Singers.

  4. go for it and enjoy the flow.

  5. A baby always brings out the best in a family. How lovely she is.
    Enjoy your sewing. I have been patting fabric too.
