Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Box of books

 It is fun to get a big box of books -- my Knitter's Weaving Book is all printed. Now copies are ready to go out in the world.

My friend Katie and I went to the Lambtown Festival in Dixon 10 days ago. I introduced my KWB to a few yarn vendors. We watched the sheep shearing competition for over two hours.

 There was a Sheep to Shawl competition, too. Three teams of spinners and weavers started at 10 a.m. with a washed sheep fleece and turned it into a 19-inch by 72-inch shawl by 4 p.m. The spinners (two to a team) grabbed rolags of carded fleece from the carders and began to spin yarn. The weaver (1 on each team) waited patiently for the first yards of yarn so she could begin weaving (the looms were already warped). One person on a team was assigned to be an information source and tell the public what was going on. The information person could switch assignments and take a spinner or a the weaver's place, and someone else became the explainer. We checked on the progress on and off throughout the day. One team had to drop out near the end due to a mechanical problem. The first to finish was not necessarily the winner because the teams were judged on the quality of the shawl design. It was fun to watch.
 I'm looking forward to getting my Knitter's Weaving Book on the market. If you know of a good place for me to send a review copy, please tell me. You can buy a copy by going to my Thresh Publications website (or clicking on the graphic below) and using PayPal.
 I am working on a project for the next book, Knitters' Weaving Projects. Right now I'm weaving a checked beret with a knitted headband. I am looking for projects and will be holding a contest to find good ones. Let me know if you are interested.
So far, so good.


  1. That beret is going to be adorable. I can't wait to see the photo of you wearing it.

  2. Good luck with your book. The competition that you watched sounds very interesting - I'd never heard of one before.

    Love the beret.
