Thursday, May 28, 2009

Too blah to blog

My life is so boring right now. I have nothing to blog about. I re-started my walking program as of April 24, 2009. I am still fiddling around with my hearts pattern, but it isn’t working as I want it to. Perhaps in a week or so something exciting will happen and I’ll blog about it.


  1. walking is always good...and creates lots of energy! youll find inspiration the meantime, how is your garden coming along? :)

  2. Seems there is a lot of blah going around - we'll wait patiently here beside the road while you walk.

  3. I am so glad that you are walking again. I need to start also, as I am having trouble with plantar fasciitis and although walking is painful at first, in the long run, it seems to be the best "medicine".

    I'll walk with you, virtually.


  4. Most of my walking consists of hobbling! LOL.
    I try to take the dog around the block, just for the air- & her sake.

  5. Christine are you done being blah yet???
