Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The carrot section of the planter bed is now protected from visiting cats. We stuck wooden skewers amongst the carrot tops. O.C. does not curl up for a morning nap in the bed anymore. Click Carrot warming to see the first post about this. Vicky and Del inspired us to put up deterrents. Thanks.

We are also making progress on the repair on the house. AT&T arrived promptly and put up a new phone line last Thursday.

Click on Ripped off for the background story. Commenters gave me good advice and I took it. Thank you all so much. I have such smart friends.
I contacted the agency that grants the franchise to the garbage company and they were very receptive and nice. They have power over the garbage company. They assured me that they would get an incident report and give me a copy. They also said I could send my building contractor's bid for repairs to them and they would make sure it was paid.


  1. Awesome! ahhhhhhhhhh networking, it does work. But if I were OC, I would ignore those simple sticks and lay down on them too, but then I'm not OC.

  2. So glad you took action on that repair. Also glad they are as good as their word.
