Saturday, August 11, 2007

Georges Seurat’s Sunday Afternoon

The painting by Georges Seurat, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grande Jatte, has been on my mind lately whilst trying to come with an idea for my paper pieced people quilt. Dorothy gave me a wild idea. She suggested re-creating the painting in cloth and using my little people in the park instead of Seurat’s people. I think that might be a wonderful quilt, but I think it would take years to create. So, I digitally inserted my paper pieced persona into the painting just for fun.
To see a good image of the painting, go to the Art Institute of Chicago’s image.

And, then I ran across this “sculpture” of Sunday Afternoon. It looks worse for wear in this picture, but I am sure it was terrific when it was fresh. It also reminded me of the sod couch I posted a few days ago. Scroll down till you find “I Like.” Can you imagine one of the topiary bustle ladies standing next to the green grass couch, or perhaps the fellow in the foreground reclining on it?

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Blogger Sarah E. said...

Georges Seurat has always been on my "A-List"...I just love what you did with your inserts! I really like where you're going with your paper-pieced people...most creative!

1:51 PM  

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