Poor fellow. He isn't sure of exactly who or what he hates. He just knows it has something to do with having a drop of African blood and having one of those funny-sounding "muslin" names.
Great memory, too. My mom took some advanced Bishop Method tailoring classes, and she used to talk about "making a muslin". She wasn't a quilter, but the girl could match plaids like nobody's business!
We are born to cloth. It is the second thing we touch after our mother.
I am a quilter. My first memory is a Noah’s Ark quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Noah, the Ark, and all the animals walking toward the boat on a curving path, were appliquéd on it. The back of the quilt was yellow with red flowers. I could re-draw that quilt today from memory.
I didn’t know I was a quilter until 1994. Before that I had a huge fabric collection.
Sometimes my heart breaks for the stupid, bigoted and unintelligent.
Excellent post.
Poor fellow. He isn't sure of exactly who or what he hates. He just knows it has something to do with having a drop of African blood and having one of those funny-sounding "muslin" names.
I second the 2 comments above!
Sometimes the level of ignorance is astounding!
Hate to hear about prejudice against muslin. Great post!
Great memory, too. My mom took some advanced Bishop Method tailoring classes, and she used to talk about "making a muslin". She wasn't a quilter, but the girl could match plaids like nobody's business!
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