Sunday, December 16, 2007

13 Machines and not one stitch

Even with 13 sewing machines in the house I have not been able to sew. There is just too much chaos in the sewing area to spread anything out.
So, in the spirit of Christmasfying (a term coined by Terry Grant) I pulled out an applique needle and got going again on my Christmas quilt. I only work on the quilt top during the season, usually from December 16 through New Year’s Eve. I am appliquing green Christmas light strings. At this rate, the quilt will be finished by the year 2010.

Order will be restored right after January 5. There has been a great deal of interest in my CONTEST and yesterday the first entry came in from Jean. I am so impressed, not only by her speed but by the thought she put into coming up with a plan for my sewing/office area. I didn’t expect an entry so soon because the contest deadline is January 5, 2008.

In the meantime, I’m dreaming of things to come and plying my needle.

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Blogger meggie said...

Wow, it is good that Jean has entered your contest.
I really do think some people have a gift for organisation. I am not one of them, but my daughter is!LOL.

9:09 PM  

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