Actually, the scoops. This is a two-scoop ice cream cone block. Perhaps strawberry ice cream or maybe raspberry sherbet.
I made this cone block for my July calendar quilt project. I needed a substitute block for the popsicle block. I love the popsicle block, but I ran into a potential problem when I decided I might enter the calendar quilt in a show. The entry form asks the question, “Original design?”
All of the blocks, except two, were my own original designs and the overall design of the quilt is my original idea. The 5-pointed star which I used for the 4th of July is a reduction of an 8-inch pattern I found on
Marcia Hohn’s Quilter’s Cache site. She states her terms and conditions on her site, and specifically says, “You may show your quilts made from my Original patterns or Traditional patterns in quilt shows, giving pattern credit to The Quilter's Cache/Marcia Hohn.” I wrote to Marcia just to double check and she wrote back giving me specific permission to use this block. That takes care of that.
The popsicle block was a free 6-inch block from Quiltmaker magazine for Project Linus. It was designed by Lisa Schafer for this charitable purpose. I reduced the size of the block when I was making my block-a-days. I gave a reference to the free pattern on line when I posted it on my blog (July 14). Because the block was designed for a specific purpose it would not be right for me to use it in a show quilt entry. The hassles of getting permission seemed like a lot of work for this one little block. That’s why I designed my new ice cream cone block for the calendar quilt.
I’ve seen quilts made from my patterns hanging in quilt shows with no credit to the designer (me). That’s why this is important. I remember paging through a magazine and seeing a photo of a wall hanging made up of various sewing themed objects. One prominent part of the quilt was my Featherweight sewing machine block. I called the magazine and asked about it. They checked the form the quilter had submitted where she stated that the entire quilt was her original design. The magazine gave credit to my block in a later edition.
If you would like to make a 4-inch paper pieced two-scoop ice cream cone block, click on the small graphic below. You will go to full size foundations which you can print out for your own personal use. (If you ever enter the block in a quilt show, just give me credit. Thanks.)
Labels: block-a-day, food, paper piecing, quilting